You can apply and remove superscripts and subscripts from selected text in a text entry box or a data window column title.
Note: By default, text is super- or subscripted by one third of a selected character’s point size, however, you can enter a different amount in the Type Specifications dialog.
Menu Method
Step 1
Do one of the following:
• Drag to highlight text in a text entry box.
• Drag to highlight column title text in a data window.
Step 2
Choose Superscript or Subscript from the Style submenu (Type menu).
• To remove a superscript or subscript, choose Baseline from the Style submenu.
Dialog Method
Step 1
Do one of the following:
• Select a text object.
• Drag to highlight text in a text entry box.
• Drag to highlight column title text in a data window.
Step 2
Choose Type Specs from the Type menu.
Step 3
In the Type Specifications dialog, click the Superscript or Subscript button.
Step 4
To change the default super- or subscript size, enter a new size in the space provided.
Step 5
Click Show to preview your selections, then click OK.
Manual Super- and Subscripting
Step 1
Do one of the following:
• Drag to highlight text in a text entry box.
• Drag to highlight column title text in a data window.
Step 2
Option-drag the selection up to apply a superscript, or down to apply a subscript.
• To remove a superscript or subscript, select the text, then choose Baseline from the Style submenu (Type menu).